Bitdefender Ransomware Recognition Tool is a free portable software that will help you identify the family & sub-version of the Ransomware which may have infected your Windows computer system and encrypted your data. If your computer has been infected with Ransomware, then this tool will help you identify the name of the Ransomware so that you can easily find a Ransomware Decryption Tool, should one be available.
Bitdefender Ransomware Recognition Tool
Once you have downloaded the 11MB tool from the Bitdefender, simply run the executable file and accept the terms.
How does the tool work
You then need to insert the ransom note path by clicking the file. If you do not know its path, you could instead browse to one of the encrypted data files and select the file.
The ransom note is submitted for analysis to Bitdefender cloud. If you provided an encrypted file, the tool would only analyze the filename and its extension – and not its content.
Having entered the one or both or the paths, click on Scan. The tool will scan the files and tell you the name of the Ransomware and the family it belongs to, along with the link to the decryption tool, should a decryptor be available.
If it is unable to identify, it will display – Unable to identify ransomware.
If you need to run this tool on multiple computers, system administrators can use it via command line by passing it the following parameters:
You can read more about this tool and download Bitdefender Ransomware Recognition Tool from
If you do not want to use a tool, you could use this online service called ID Ransomware to identify the Ransomware which has infected your computer.
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