At times, upon launching an app or a website, the Edge or Chrome browser may display a prompt, reading ‘This Site is trying to open this application’. This behavior is acceptable if it occurs just once or twice but beyond it, it can be bothering. So if you see this prompt frequently in the Microsoft Edge browser or Google Chrome, then this post shows how you can disable it:
This Site is trying to open <application>
<Website> wants to open this application.
Disable This Site is trying to open this application prompt in Edge or Chrome
To disable ‘This Site is trying to open this application‘ prompt in the Edge or Chrome browser on your Windows 11/10 PC, you may tweak the Windows Registry. We’ll show you how.
Disable This Site is trying to open this application prompt in Edge
The above-mentioned erroneous behavior seems to be of the same kind one observes when ‘switching apps’ and appears every time an external protocol is invoked. So, the user is prompted for confirmation. Do the following to disable it in Microsoft Edge:
- Open the Registry Editor.
- Navigate to \Policies\Microsoft\Edge key
- Double-click on ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox.
- Change the default value from 0 to 1
- Close the Registry Editor and restart your PC.
Open the Windows Registry Editor. For this, press Win+R in combination, and in the ‘Run’ dialog box that appears, type ‘regedit’ and press ‘Enter’.
In the window that opens, navigate to the following key –
Switch to the right-pane and double-click the key with the name – ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox.
If the entry is not visible to you, you need to create a new one.
Next, in the Edit String box that appears, change the default Hexadecimal value from 0 to 1.
When done, close the Registry Editor and Exit.
Finally, restart your PC.
Since you have enabled this policy, an external protocol confirmation prompt ‘Always allow’ should be visible to you. Check the box marked against this option to skip all future confirmation prompts for the protocol on the site.
When you disable this policy, the ‘Always allow’ checkbox won’t be displayed and the user will be prompted for confirmation every time an external protocol is invoked.
Disable This Site is trying to open this application prompt in Chrome
To disable this prompt in Google Chrome browser, navigate to the following key:
Change this value as follows:
- DWORD (32-bit): ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox
- Value Data: 1 (Hex)
Hope this helps.
How do I disable Website wants to open this application prompt in Edge?
To disable Website wants to open this application prompt in Edge, copy-paste the following in Notepad and then save the following text as a .txt file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge] "ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox"=dword:00000001
Once done, double-click on it to add its content to the Registry. That’s it.
How can I make Chrome stop asking to be the default browser?
To stop Google Chrome from asking to be the default browser, edit the target value of the Chrome shortcut. Go to the Chrome shortcut on your desktop and right-click on it. Select Properties from the context menu. In the Shortcut tab, look for the Target field. It will show the path to the chrome.exe file. After the closing quotation mark, add a space, and then add the following text: --no-default-browser-check
. Click Apply and then OK to save the changes.
How do I disable save as prompt in Chrome?
By default, Google Chrome saves downloaded files directly to the ‘Downloads’ folder on a Windows 11/10 PC. However, users have to option to enable the Save As prompt if they prefer to choose the location for each download. If this setting is enabled in your Chrome browser and you want to disable it, open Chrome Settings and navigate to the Downloads section. You’ll see an option labeled ‘Ask where to save each file before downloading’. Toggle this switch off to disable the Save As prompt.
Read Next: Confirm before closing multiple tabs in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Vivaldi.