If you have multiple Windows 11/10 PCs at your home, then there is a way to speed up the Windows Update download time on all the computers. It can not only save bandwidth but also not slow down the complete process. This post will guide how you can download Windows Updates & Apps from other Windows 10 PCs.
Download Windows Updates & Apps from other Windows 11 PCs
Windows 11 comes with many changed menus. Windows Updates were allotted a separate menu and the options have changed a little. If you wish to download Windows Updates and apps from other Windows 11 PCs, then the procedure is as follows:
- Right-click on the Start button and select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, go the Windows Update tab from the list on the left-hand side.
- In the right pane, select Advanced options.
- On this page, click on Delivery Optimization.
- You will find the switch for Allow downloads from other PCs.
- Then you have two options.
- PCs on my local network
- PCs on my local network and PCs on the Internet
- If you want to only download from the local network, select the required option.
Download Windows 10 Updates & Apps from other PCs
Windows 10 comes with settings that allow computers on the same network or internet to download each other’s updates.
- Open Windows 10 Settings ( Win + I)
- Update & Security > Windows Update > Delivery Optimization
- Toggle on the option which says, “Allow downloads from other PCs.”
- Then you have two options.
- PCs on my local network
- PCs on my local network and PCs on the Internet
- If you want to only download from the local network, select the required option.
Having done that, you have two more settings that you should manage. The first one is Advanced Options, and the second is the activity monitor.
Advanced Options: It allows you to restrict the bandwidth used for upload and download. That way, the PC doesn’t consume all the resources for getting the download.
Activity Monitor: Here, you can see the download statistics, average download, and upload speed. It displays percentage downloaded from Microsoft, Microsoft Cache Server, From Ps on Local network, and internet. The same will be available to upload as well.
How does delivery optimization work in Windows 11/10?
If you are wondering that a single PC is used to download the updates, then that’s not the case. Instead, the download is split into small parts. Some parts are downloaded from the PCs and some from Microsoft. The process makes sure that it used the fastest and reliable source to download them.
The process also creates a local cache and stores the file that is downloaded. It is kept for some period of time to share it with other PCs. That said, the download follows the same secure method as it downloads the rest of the updates.
Why should I download updates from other local computers?
The purpose of Delivery Optimization is to limit either the data usage or the bandwidth. A better method for those with multiple systems is to download the updates for one system and copy them to all other systems.
Those who have tried downloading Windows Updates manually from the Microsoft catalog website should be aware that the update is basically nothing but a file which can be downloaded and then shared offline through multiple computers.
The same concept is used for the procedure mentioned in this article. Instead of searching for and downloading independent files, the approach used is to share the updates through a proper system.
How much data can I save using this Delivery Optimization technique?
A featured update could be in GBs and smaller updates would need 100s of MBs. Windows 11 updates have been very frequent till now. So this technique would save you lots of data.
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