You may have encountered situations where you wanted to extract text from PowerPoint Presentation to other applications like Microsoft Word or Notepad. PowerPoint presentations are normally saved in a proprietary format with a PPT file extension. Sharing a PPT file requires all parties involved to have access to Microsoft PowerPoint. Moreover, the file size is large due to the use of graphics (images and media). So, Instead of sending the entire presentation file to the desired person for review, you can send only the text content in a Word document which appears more convenient. Doing so allows the relevant information to be viewed and made accessible in multiple applications. Let’s see how you can extract text from PowerPoint to Word.
How to copy all text from PowerPoint to Word
Open your PowerPoint Presentation.
Select the FILE tab from the PowerPoint ribbon. From the list of available options on the left-hand side, choose Export.
The presentation may include a lot of media files and images so it’s obvious the size can reach up to hundreds of MB. In such a case, you will need to convert the PPT file to a simple text file to reduce its size.
Now, it’s time to create handouts. Handouts are simply of papers with limited important points that form the basis of the information you used for your presentation. Handouts can be created by selecting the Create Handouts option and then choosing to Create option.
Instantly, ‘Send to Microsoft Word’ window should pop up. Here, choose the type of page layout you want. I selected Notes next to Slides however, you can select Blank lines next to slides. Choosing this option simply creates blank lines next to each slide in Word. The person you are sharing the document with can use the space to take down their own notes.
Moreover, in this format, your options for additionally editing the presentation in Word are nearly limitless. Once you have selected the desired layout, click OK to begin the conversion process. Once the process is complete, you should observe a new Word document with all of your slides and appropriate text layouts.
I hope you find this tip useful.
Read next: How to add Videos and Bullet Points to PowerPoint.