If you want to find out the computer model name and the computer serial number of your Windows 11/10/8/7 PC, here is a simple way to do it using the command prompt.
Find out the local computer model name
First, type ‘cmd’ in Start Search and hit Enter to open a command prompt. Now type the following command to get the local computer model name and hit Enter:
wmic csproduct get name
Find out the laptop or computer serial number
Run the following command to get the computer serial number:
wmic bios get serialnumber
You will see the computer model name and the serial number displayed.
You can use the command wmic csproduct get name
to retrieve the local computer model.
You can also find out the laptop serial number using the following VBscript:
On Error Resume Next Dim strComputer strComputer = InputBox("Enter the name of the computer:") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colSMBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_SystemEnclosure") For Each objSMBIOS in colSMBIOS MsgBox strComputer & ": " & objSMBIOS.SerialNumber Next
If you cannot see a computer part number or the motherboard details when looking at system properties, check this post if it is either blank or displays To be filled by OEM.
ive a question… when i type all that in the cmd it tells me “to be filled by o.e.m.”
now i bought this computer thru wal-mart.com an its a cyberpower system.. but i wanna get win7 upgraded to win8 to see if my crashing will stop…please can u help me out a bit i know bout computers but not a genius when it comes to solving computers problems :(
When I run the prompts the box with the name/ number appears and vanishes so fast that I have to click with my fingers already on the buttons for a screenshot, and even then sometimes I wasn’t fast enough. It took me three tries for the serial number.
Is this just a problem with Windows 8, or am I doing something wrong?
It shouldn’t be a problem. Its working fine on my Windows 8.1 too.
Does https://www.thewindowsclub.com/to-be-filled-by-oem help?
Can I find computer name through serial number in cmd ( all computer are on same domain ).
I found way to fine serial number through computer name ( wmic /node:COMPUTERNAME bios get serialnumber ) but I need contrariwise….
thanks guy
Type cmd and run the command from the prompt.
Cool thing … Thanks.
can we see other devices serial no attached to computer using any command?
Thank you.
for the contribution.
the comendo works great.
it is but I will be useful someday.
heres a thing…. how the f do you open commant prompt. very helpful ¬_¬
Click start.. all programs.. Accessories… command prompt
I found another way to locate the computer model info. click Start then run and when the popup window comes up type in dxdiag and follow the prompts.. thats what I did yesterday and got mine!
I found another way to locate the computer model info. click Start then
run and when the popup window comes up type in dxdiag and follow the
prompts.. thats what I did yesterday and got mine! Good Luck!!
Simple and fast. Thank you
Thanks and its very nice. command executed very well I got all the required system info what I needed.
type run then cmd.exe
type or copy and past the commands in the command prompt..
Very useful, thanks!
tks :)
Thank you so much for the help getting pc serial number in bios through cmd!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I searched for over an hour on who knows how many sites and you were the only that told me something that worked!!! You explained very well, simple yet enough details for me to understand quickly. THANK YOU!!
To run command prompt hold the windows key down and press the letter R, then type “cmd” then hit the enter key…. then type the above commands there… or copy the commands with the mouse high light it then hold down “ctrl” and then press the letter C . go back to the command prompt and press “ctrl” and then the letter V legend: C=copy V=paste
hope this helped people
How do I find a stolen laptop model/description using the serial number?
what the hell