Karmabot is an in-chat tool designed to track and measure the short- medium- and long-term team performance using simple commands. Using this tool, one can track performance, reward excellence and plan future tasks. This service has now been extended to Microsoft Teams. If you haven’t heard about with Microsoft Teams, you can read some of our previous blog posts that will introduce you to some of its impressive features and awesomeness.
Karmabot for Microsoft Teams
Depending upon the descriptions provided for each karma request, Karmabot will help you build a profile detailing the strengths of each member in a team.
Once done, Teammates can reward each other with karma points.
After that, Karma points awarded to the members or teammates can be converted into a monetary bonus or specific rewards. Each team member gets a share of the bonus based on the karma percentage earned (bonus amount is proportional to the karma earned by a particular team member in comparison to the total team karma gains).
If required, you can view the composition of other members in a team and the latest karmas through the stats displayed under Dashboard.
Adding Karmabot to Microsoft Teams
Visit the link given at the end of the post to log into your Microsoft Teams account and install Karmabot.
Pick the team you wish Karmabot to join.
Finally, install Karmabot.
Karmabot primarily uses Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Machine Learning technologies to read, recognize and predict the reasons provided with your karma requests to create a profile for each team member. The metrics it understands, recognize and utilizes include,
- Teamwork
- Goals
- Reliability
- Communication
The metrics are available in Karmabot control panel to both moderators and regular users. If necessary, the moderators can get a more detailed view by navigating to ‘Karma’ section.
Then, scrolling down to find ‘metrics’ in Category column as shown in the screenshot below.
Both, Categories and Reasons, are editable from this table.
Source: Microsoft.com.