Suppose you have a nice slide you used last time but want to use it again in another presentation. In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can add one or more slides to the current presentation without reopening the file to make changes. The file opened will not make changes to the original; it is just a copy of the original file. Microsoft PowerPoint has a feature that allows you to reuse slides from a previously saved presentation.
How to copy slides from one PowerPoint to another without losing formatting
In older versions of Microsoft PowerPoint, there used to be features that will enable you to store saved slides in a library and reuse saved files from the library, but not available in Microsoft PowerPoint 365.
PowerPoint slides are layouts that can be customized to display data for your presentation. Various slides are offered in PowerPoint, each with a purpose. These slides are title, title and content, section header, title only, content with caption, and more.
Reuse slides from a saved PowerPoint presentation
Open PowerPoint.
On the Home tab, click the New Slide drop-down arrow in the Slides group.
In the drop-down list, select Reuse Slides.
A Reuse Slides pane will appear on the right.
In the Reuse Slides pane, click the Browse button.
A Browse dialog box will open, select the PowerPoint presentation you want, then click Open.
The Slides from your selected presentation will appear in the Reuse Slides pane.
On the Reuse Slides pane, click the slides you want in your current presentation.
Once you select the slides, you need they will appear on the Slides navigation pane on the left.
Close the Reuse Slides pane, and make changes to your slides if desired.
We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to insert Reuse Slides in PowerPoint; if you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.
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