Sea of Thieves is the latest game from Rare and Microsoft, and it seems the popularity of the game and the number of users sailing the ship is overloading the server. You might be seeing error codes right on your screen, and here is the list of what they call as “Beard Errors“, and what they mean.
Fix Sea of Thieves Beard Error codes & messages
Sea of Thiesevs Server Issues:
- Fishbeard
- DaffodilBeard
- FluffyBeard: Server down or is getting an update.
- Lapisbeard
- Lazybeard: Removed from sessions due to Inactivity.
- Greybeard
- KiwiBeard: Apart from the server issue, it could also be because of multiple profiles signed into your account. Sign them out, and only sign-in to your account.
This error code started appearing recently, and its restricting new players to join the game. However, please do check your antivirus/firewall settings, proxy servers or other network management/manipulation tools. This should get resolved from companies end.
CinnamonBeard & BronzeBeard
In case you are not able to connect to the Sea of Thieves game, you will have to relaunch the game. That’s your best bet right now if the connections are good. Closing the game is straightforward:
- Press the guide button on your controller, and navigate to the Sea of Thieves game.
- Once it is highlighted, press the menu button on the controller, and select quit by pressing A
- Relaunch the game, and try again.
Ashbeard, AlabasterBeard, AllmondBeard & CyanBeard:
- In case Xbox Service is down, you will face this error or you may have to sign-out, and sign-in again to your Xbox Live account.
- Your connection to Xbox Live and/or the Sea of Thieves services has been disrupted or lost. Please check your console’s network status via the Settings > Network menu.
AvocadoBeard: You need Xbox Gold Membership to play multiplayer games on Xbox One. The same is the case here.
Beigebeard: The game needs an update.
Missing Items & Gold
Sea of Thieves is all about Gold, and Chest, and other treasure. If things are going missing, Rare points out that there are three issues:
- Issue #1: In case you getting into the game, but have no gold or items that you can use in the game, then the best way is to get out of the game, and join back in.
- Issue #2 If you aren’t getting paid for your voyage, and completed tasks, it’s only a delay that’s happening from the server side. You should see that showing up on your account soon.
- Issue #3 The same is with achievements. Delay from the server side, and it should show up on your account.
The Error codes keep updating every day, so if you are not able to find yours here, leave a comment below, and we will help you out.
Read: How to get started with Sea of Thieves and complete the First Voyage.
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