What is ShellExperienceHost.exe in Windows 11 or Windows 10? You may have seen the process in your Task Manager, and maybe at times consuming high CPU or resources. This process is the Windows Shell Experience Host and it is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System.
What is ShellExperienceHost.exe
Shellexperiencehost.exe is usually located in the following location:
This process is related to the built-in Universal Apps and it provides integration with the Windows Shell.
It is not malware if it is located in the above-mentioned folder. If you find it located in some other folder, you should right-click on the file and check its Properties. It should be a Microsoft Windows OS file. You may also get it scanned with multiple antiviruses.
To see the number of resources it is consuming, you may right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager. Now in the Task Manager search for this process and see the resources being utilized.
ShellExperienceHost.exe crashes or uses high CPU
If you find that your Shellexperiencehost.exe is consuming high memory, CPU or resources, you may see if any of these suggestions help you.
1] Restart Start Menu process
You can restart StartMenuExperienceHost.exe via Task Manager or using Command Prompt or PowerShell.
2] Check for Updates
Ensure that you have installed the latest Windows Updates for Windows 11/10.
3] Run System File Checker
Run System File Checker and see.
4] Run System Maintenance Troubleshooter
Run the built-in System Maintenance Troubleshooter and see if it helps.
5] Troubleshoot in in Clean Boot State
Boot your computer in Clean Boot State and try to identify the culprit.
6] Tweak Personalization settings
Open Settings > Personalization > Colors > Turn off Automatically pick an accent color from my background.
Also turn off Show color on Start, etc and Make Start, etc transparent settings.
See if this works for you. If this does not help, you may revert these 3 settings.
Since this is a system process, you can not disable it.
Posts about processes using high resources: