If when trying to save your PowerPoint file, you get an error stating Some of your fonts cannot be saved with the presentation then know that this error occurs when PowerPoint cannot read the font you use in your presentation.
Why do some fonts not work in PowerPoint?
Some fonts will not work in PowerPoint. Microsoft keeps its own cache of Fonts on your Windows computer and not all may work on PowerPoint. You need to either add the font or change the font in your presentation.
Some of your fonts cannot be saved with the presentation in PowerPoint
To fix Some of your fonts cannot be saved with the presentation error message in PowerPoint, follow the solutions below.
- Change the fonts to a basic font
- Locate the corrupted slide
- Embed fonts in the fie
1] Change the fonts to a basic font
The first solution is to use basic fonts such as Ariel, Times New Romans, Helvetica, and Calibri, due to all operating systems being able to read these fonts because of their readability and effectiveness.
If the problem continues, follow the other solution below.
2. Locate the corrupted slide
Copy the first slide and place it into a new PowerPoint document and try to save it.
Then remove the first slide from the new PowerPoint document.
Copy the second slide and place it in the new PowerPoint document and save it.
Do the same procedure for all the slides in your presentation until you find the slide giving the problem.
Once you find the slide causing the issue change the font to a basic font.
If the issue persists, follow the other solution below.
3] Embed fonts in the fie
You can embed fonts in your presentations. To embed the fonts in the file, follow the steps below.
On your PowerPoint presentation, click the File tab.
Click Options on the backstage view.
A PowerPoint Options dialog box will appear.
In the dialog box, click Save on the left pane.
Under the section Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, check the checkbox for Embed fonts in the file.
After checking the checkbox for Embed fonts in the file, you will see two options below.
- Option 1: Embed only the characters used in the presentation (best for reducing the file size).
- Option 2: Embed all characters ( best for editing by other people).
Choose Option 2.
Then close the PowerPoint Options dialog box and try to save the presentation.
If you have questions about the tutorial, let us know in the comments.
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