The Xbox Game Bar in Windows 11/10, allows PC users to instantly access various functions and features with the WinKey + G keyboard shortcut. In this post, we will show you how start Xbox Party using Xbox Game Bar.
Start Xbox Party on Windows 11/10 using Xbox Game Bar
To start Xbox Party on Windows 11/10 using Xbox Game Bar, proceed as follows:
Press Windows Key + G combo to launch the Xbox Game Bar. If you don’t have the app, you can download it from the Microsoft Store.
Select the Xbox Social widget (the icon looks like two people) at the top right side of the app. If this is your first use, you may be prompted to sign-in with a Microsoft Account – it’s recommended to use the same one you’ve used previously on Xbox or any other Windows device.
To start adding friends to Xbox Live for chatting and messaging, select the Xbox Social Widget. Then, type in the Gamertag of the friend you want to add into the search bar. Right-click, then select Follow. You can close out the search panel. Now when you search for that user, the user will be listed in your friends list. You can right-click to view their profile, send messages, and invite them to parties.
To invite friends into an Xbox party using the Xbox Game Bar, right-click on the friend you want to add to a voice chat, and select Invite to Party. The Xbox Chat widget will take a moment to load up, and start connecting you and your friend. The bar across the top of the chat window provides you with privacy control, mic mute, and on-screen overlay widget. To make the party private and invite-only, click the padlock. To leave the chat, click the door icon.
Read: How to use Party Chat on Xbox One, Windows, Android and iOS.
Finally, to message friends using the Xbox Game Bar, right-click on the friend you want to send a message to, and select Open Chat – this will open up the Xbox Chat widget, allowing you to send messages.
That’s it!
Read next: Xbox Game bar party chat not working on Windows PC.