You’re a big fan of both OneNote and OneDrive and would love to use both to complement each other. You want to sync files from OneNote to OneDrive, but do not know how to do it. It is actually quite easy – Microsoft just decided to hide this feature behind a few clicks of the mouse. If you find that OneNote is not syncing files with OneDrive, this post will interest you. If you want to disable syncing of OneNote files to OneDrive, then the latter part of the post will help you.
By default, OneNote syncs files & notes, and saves OneNote notebook & content to OneDrive. Learn how to enable or disable Move this Notebook or Save to SkyDrive functionality on OneNote.
Sync files from OneNote to OneDrive
Do you want to save OneNote notebook & content to OneDrive? This is quite easy, guys. Just choose a Notebook. You can do it from the drop-down menu that is situated in the upper-left corner of OneNote.
The next step requires you to click “File” then move the mouse pointer to the option that says, “Share”.
Now click on “Move Notebook” Tile icon and from here you’ll see the option to transfer to OneDrive. If you’re not currently logged into OneDrive, the software will give you the ability to perform this action then move on from there.
Once the content is saved to OneDrive, whenever changes are made, they will automatically be saved to the Microsoft cloud platform.
Bear in mind that any Notebook being moved to OneDrive must be already saved to your computer’s hard drive. By default, OneNote tends to save all Notebooks to OneDrive, so for most people, they shouldn’t need to do this in the first place, well, unless they do not have a OneDrive account.
Saving to OneDrive is not a bad idea seeing as it’s possible for folks to lose their files when stored on a computer. With OneDrive, the OneNote content will be there, and available from any device. If you’re on your mobile phone or tablet, it’s possible to just log into OneDrive and grab your notes. Not to mention, the OneNote app is available on all major platforms including Windows 10 Mobile, so there’s no missing out.
How to disable syncing of OneNote with OneDrive
As mentioned, syncing is enabled by default. But if you want to disable OneDrive syncing, it is very easy.
Just click on the “File” Menu, then from the “Info” menu, click on “View Sync” Status”. A small window will open with a list of all your notebooks.
Click on “Sync Manually” and from now on, OneNote will no longer sync automatically to OneDrive.
We hope Microsoft continues to improve OneNote because it’s a great tool, and we can’t wait to see what else the company has planned for the future.
See this post if you face OneDrive sync problems & issues.
How to sync from being “shameless” to man? how?
Vrati pare Vamijene!
What if you want it to never sync with one drive? What if you want it to only be stored locally? I have tried to keep it local, but it keeps trying to re-connect to onedrive anyway. I don’t want onedrive but would like a totally on-premise onenote.
Did any one had the problem that the “sync automatically” option is not
saved. After a reboot I need to activate this option again …
You can use onenote on premise with a Sharepoint.
Remember to not use onenote with dropbox or other cloud sync tools, as onenote is using its own sync mechanism -> both sync mechanism together might destroy your file.
On a PC, you can choose the location of your notebook. If your notebook is saved on the local drive, it won’t sync to anything. Not sure about OneNote on mobile OS though.