Most Windows users are familiar with Microsoft’s Automated Troubleshooting Services and its Fix It‘s. They are really a convenient way of fixing problems you may be facing on your Windows computer. If you are facing issues using your USB device with your Windows computer – maybe while ejecting the device, you might want to use Windows USB Troubleshooter and see if it helps fix your problem.
Windows USB Troubleshooter
You may want to check out if you have the latest drivers for the USB devices installed. If that does not work for you, this new Windows USB Troubleshooter from Microsoft may be able to help you.
This Fix It tool will diagnose and fix Windows USB problems automatically. Some examples of USB’s would be Thumb drives, USB hard drives, Pen drives, USB printers, etc.
Windows USB Troubleshooter will fix USB Audio, storage, and print devices that do not eject using the Safely Remove Hardware dialog. It will release the USB storage device. Moreover, if your USB device is not being recognized, it will remove the upper and lower filters for portable devices. It will also check if Windows Updates have been configured to never update drivers – just so to confirm that you are not using outdated drivers.
Visit Microsoft to download and run the tool. Once you run the Windows USB Troubleshooter, it will scan your system for potential problem areas and then present you with a detailed report. You can opt to let it automatically fix all for you or you can choose and decide which of the presented issues you’d like the tool to fix.
UPDATE: Microsoft Easy Fix solutions are no longer supported. Running the built-in Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter may also be an option you may want to consider.
See this post if you receive The USB Controller is in a failed state or is not currently installed message.
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Thanks nice tool .
Which OS does it support
Thanks I was having huge trouble with my Windows 7 USB especially with my LG Optimus and Nikon D3100.
What a miracle! It worked like a charm for me. Thanks!
Thank you for your help! The first suggestion worked a treat.
doesn’t support win 8.1 which went bad on its own update, sad.
What, besides switching to Linux or an older version of Windows, does one do on a PC where the mouse and keyboard ports are USB and only last a few seconds if at all before getting the error? There is no chance to get to the place to download a hotfix, run the troubleshooter, or edit the registry
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This worked for me..
This wizard doesn’t work for 3G USB modems (Internet On The Road) when there is a problem in the registry.
guys i have a big problem with this USB fauling to read. i have read around the web but looks i havet got the clear solution. is there any one can help
i m try above solution bt still not solve my problem plzz help me about problem of usb device not recognized
Just wants money, surely the fact that I paid for windows I should get software support sorting out my problems and not paying a seperate contractor
The tool is free and it download link is given in the last para.
i am having serious issues with my usb and audio devices before and after installing windows 10
Likewise on most USB storage devices after win10, will try this tool
Wont work in Windows 10 – seems like none of the fixit programs work in window 10
Not sure if this applies to any of the commenters – but I recently found that windows had ‘dismounted’ some partitions on USB storage devices – devices recognised, just not the NTFS’ness of the partitions on the devices – Using Storage Manager to assign them letters got the partitions recognised as NTFS.
Worthless scam. Don’t waste your time. It doesn’t do anything unless you pay to register it. I’m not paying to register anything that’s been advertised as free.
What are you saying? Fix Its from Microsoft are free. Maybe you clicked on an ad…