There have been several complaints that video changes color saturation automatically in Chrome when using YouTube on the Google web browser. Reports have also confirmed that this color change happens intermittently and the color becomes either oversaturated or undersaturated, while the play is not affected. This problem can be a result of different factors, and in this article, we will be looking into them and also guide users on how to stop or prevent automatic video color saturation changes in Chrome. Keep reading.
Why does video change color saturation in Chrome?
Hardware acceleration for GPU is usually responsible for sudden changes in color saturation when watching videos on YouTube and other video platforms in Chrome. When enabled, it can impact smoother video streaming and generally improved browsing experience. However, it can also cause varying color saturation changes when watching Videos in Chrome.
Other factors that could be responsible for this experience in Chrome include an outdated graphics driver, complicated system video settings, color profile, and Windows power and sleep settings.
How to fix video changes color saturation automatically in Chrome
To fix the sudden changes in color saturation when watching videos in Chrome, we discuss several proven fixes and workarounds you should implement. The fixes are discussed as follows:
- Disable Acceleration For Chrome
- Update Graphics Settings
- Adjust System Graphics Settings
- Adjust Power & Sleep Settings
- Check Color Profile
1] Disable Acceleration For Chrome
We have stated earlier that GPU hardware acceleration can cause varying color saturation changes when watching videos in Chrome. Therefore, you need to disable acceleration for Chrome to fix the problem. Follow the steps outlined below:
- Right-click the Google Chrome shortcut on your computer and select Properties.
- Add the following text to the Target text field, after chrome.exe” : “ –disable-gpu”. Remember to add the space before the first “–“.
- Click on Apply, and OK.
- Launch Chrome type the following in the address bar and press the Enter key to open the page: chrome://settings/system
- Ensure that the toggle in front of the “Use hardware acceleration when available” option is turned off.
- Restart Chrome and play videos to confirm that the problem is fixed.
2] Update Graphics Driver
An outdated driver is capable of inflicting several graphics-related challenges including varying color saturation changes when playing videos in Chrome. All you may need to do is to update your graphics card driver.
3] Adjust System Graphics Settings
Another solution you should try is to adjust system graphics settings to fix the sudden color saturation changes when watching videos in Chrome. Follow the steps outlined below:
- Press the Windows key + I to open Windows Settings, then navigate to System > Display.
- Scroll down the page and click on Graphics settings.
- Under the “Choose an app to set preference” option, choose Desktop app or Classic app as the case may be.
- Click Browse and go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application to select chrome.exe.
- Click on the Options button, and select High performance.
4] Adjust Power & Sleep Settings
If the problem persists, adjust the Windows power and sleep settings on your computer to fix the sudden color saturation changes in Chrome when watching videos. Follow the steps outlined below:
- Press the Windows key + I to open Windows Settings, then navigate to System > Power & Sleep.
- Select Never under Screen and Sleep.
- Restart your computer and open Chrome to confirm that the issue is resolved.
5] Check Color Profile
Improper color profile settings may also be responsible for color saturation changes in Chrome when playing any video. You will need to restore the settings to enable Chrome to use the color profile specified by Windows. Follow the steps outlined below:
- Open the Chrome browser on your computer and type the following in the address bar, then hit the Enter key: chrome://flags/#force-color-profile
- If the “Force color profile” flag is not set to Default, set it to Default.
- If it is in Default and you are experiencing weird color saturation changes, set it to sRGB.
In conclusion, keeping graphics drivers updated helps improve general graphic performance and prevent similar issues. Remember to update your computer graphics drivers and endeavor to carry out other fixes if the problem persists. Good luck.
Read: Reduce high Chrome Memory usage & make it use less RAM
Why does my video keep going green?
The most likely cause is that the video file is corrupted, or the platform you use is compromised. You should clear your computer’s temporary files, then try other videos. You may need to update your graphics driver to resolve the issue.
Why does my video quality keep changing?
One of the prominent factors that drives the quality of videos online is the speed of your internet connection. It is important to also note that higher quality videos play better on larger screens compared to smaller ones.