Hi! And welcome to The Windows Club! If you’ve been a regular WinVistaClub.com visitor, then you will know what to expect from this site. All that WinVistaClub was … and more!
The site is primarily targeted at the Windows 7 & Windows Vista user and will address and cover issues in relation to Microsoft and Windows OS. WinVistaClub will be integrated with The WindowsClub and its Forum too will be migrated here to its new home, soon.
I have tried to keep the look and navigation similar to WVC. That’s the way I wanted it. And for giving The WindowsClub the look I wanted, I have to thank my MVP colleague, Ramesh, for customizing it to look and behave like WVC, using WordPress. Sure, its still a work-in-progress, but things should be all set in a week or so.
I hope you will enjoy visiting TWC as much as you do visit WVC. Gradually over a period of time, the activity will move from WVC to TheWindowsClub. A few exciting things are planned … but will share all in due course.
I also hope you will consider subscribing to our RSS Feeds and following us on Twitter. I would love to have us be in touch.
If you’d like to give any suggestions or have a comment to make, I’d love to hear that.
With warm regards & best wishes
Anand aka HappyAndyK.