If you want to enhance the use of the Win+X menu in Windows 11, you must take note of some of the best Win+X menu keyboard shortcuts that work on Windows 11. By using these shortcuts, you can open various apps and utilities very quickly and without using your mouse.
What are Win+X menu keyboard shortcuts?
Win+X menu allows you to open various things such as Installed apps, Power Options, Terminal, Device Manager, Task Manager, File Explorer, Event Viewer, etc. Instead of navigating through various paths, you can click on the option to open the respective panel. However, the problem is you need to use the Win+X keyboard shortcut along with your mouse to get the job done. On the other hand, if you use keyboard shortcuts, you do not need to use your mouse, resulting in a faster process to open all the things included in the menu.
How to use Win+X menu keyboard shortcuts?
To use the keyboard shortcuts, you need to press Win+X first. Once the menu appears on your screen, you can use the following key to open a particular utility. All you need to do is to remember the shortcut key. For example, the shortcut key for Installed apps is P. That being said, you need to press Win+X first. Then, press P.
Win+X menu keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11
Some of the best Win+X menu keyboard shortcuts for Windows 11 are:
- Installed apps: P
- Power Options: O
- Event Viewer: V
- System: Y
- Device Manager: M
- Network Connections: W
- Disk Management: K
- Computer Management: G
- Terminal: I
- Terminal (Admin): A
- Task Manager: T
- Settings: N
- File Explorer: E
- Search: S
- Run: R
- Shut down or sign out: U
- Desktop: D
As you know the Shut down or sign out menu has three to four options depending on your settings and they are Sign out, Sleep, Shut down, and Restart. For those, you need to use I, S, U, and R, respectively.
Read: Keyboard shortcuts to Shut down or Lock Windows 11/10 computer
How do I get to the Win+X menu?
To get to the Win+X menu in Windows 11/10, you have two options. First, you can press the Win+X keyboard shortcut, which opens the menu directly. Second, you can right-click on the Start Menu using your mouse or touchpad.
What is the Win+X power button?
Win+X offers two options related to this situation – Power Options and Shut down or sign out. For Power Options, you need to press Win+X and then, O. For Shut down or sign out, you need to press Win+X and then, U. To explore more options, you need to use these shortcuts:
- Sign out: I
- Sleep: S
- Shut down: U
- Restart: R
The Win+X combination no longer works for me. I am able to use the other combinations though, like Win+C. This problem doesn’t effect any other users on my computer. I’ve also performed a re-install (clean) and the problem doesn’t go away. I’m using my email address to log in and I can log into a different computer without it following me. I’m using the Win 8 Pro 64Bit. Have you seen this and know of anything to check? I’ve never seen anything like this especially with a fresh re-install. Thanks
that’s a tough one L3Nix, i upgraded from win 7 and my finger print log in wont work when i’m signed in with my microsoft account but works fine when i switch to a local account.. crazy or what!! maybe you can try that